SEMI-HIATUS ANNOUNCEMENT/ WWW Wednesday: November 21st, 2018

WWW Wednesday

As you guys may have noticed, I have not posted for the last 2 weeks. The only reason I’m managing to post now is because I’m on Thanksgiving break (lol and it’s still 15 minutes until Thursday here, whoops). As this semester has been coming to a close, I’ve found myself stressed and swamped over all that I have to do for my classes and I have not been able to find the time, energy, nor motivation to post. Thus, I am announcing a semi-hiatus until my semester ends in the middle of December. I will be around to respond to the comments of this post and I also plan post a November Wrap-Up at the end of this month, but besides that, I will be absent and focusing on college. Thank you guys so much for understanding; I can’t wait to be fully reunited with guys come winter break! 🙂 ❤

Now for a brief update on my reading:

(For those of you who don’t know: WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words where you answer 3 ‘what’ questions about your reading.)

What are you currently reading?
(again, a lot)

  • Olive Kitteridge– Reading this for my fiction writing class!
  • Station Eleven– Was suppose to read this for November 13th when the author visited my college. As you can see, I did not succeed. Only got 1/3 of the way through…
  • Rule– Still at 34%…(since September 7th, yikes!)
  • Celtic Tales– Haven’t picked this one up in awhile either.
  • Ruin and Rising– Ditto here. 😅

What have you recently finished?


As always, I loved Austen’s writing, but as for the rest of the book? Not a big a fan. Emma is annoying, not a lot happens plot-wise (I swear like a third of the book takes place inside Emma’s thoughts & imaginations), the romance is kinda creepy, and the ending was too easy/passive (Emma did nothing to bring about these resolutions).

This marks the 4th Jane Austen book I’ve read (I’ve previously read P&P, S&S, and Northanger Abbey). I am still looking forward to reading Mansfield Park and Persuasion someday though!

What do you think you’ll read next?

  • Austenland– Going to read this for my Jane Austen class! I love Shannon Hale, so I really hope this book doesn’t disappoint me.
  • Six of Crows– I’m finally hoping on this bandwagon!! I mean, I kinda have to since my book club is reading it and we’re meeting on Monday to discuss the first half, so yeah…but still! I meant to finish my reread of the Grishaverse trilogy, but as you can see by my “currently reading” list, that didn’t happen. Oh well 😆

What books are you currently reading? Any books you’re looking forward to reading? What’s your favorite Jane Austen novel?

If you’re in school, are you hanging in there? (If you’re managing to blog while also balancing school, can you give me tips?)

If you made a WWW Wednesday post this week, feel free to link it up in the comments below, I would love to read them!

9 thoughts on “SEMI-HIATUS ANNOUNCEMENT/ WWW Wednesday: November 21st, 2018”

  1. Hah, I guess Rule is the ARC you mentioned on my post! I’ve heard so-so things about that one so haven’t really checked it out any further since seeing so many meh-reviews on it. Fingers crossed you get through it soon though!

    I’ve never read anything by Jane Austen – yet! I did read a Mansfield Park-retelling a while ago and absolutely loved that [Seeking Mansfield by Kate Watson]; even bought a copy of the original because of it. I’ll read it eventually, haha.

    Good luck with school! I don’t go to school anymore, but I do find that prepping some posts during the weekend as some kind of “break” between chores [yay, household] helps TONS to stay on top of my blogging. 🙂 It’s a matter of figuring out what works for you, really.

    Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol yep! Of course I didn’t see the iffy reviews pop up until after I requested it. I’m hoping to finish it in December or at least get far enough that I can justify DNF-ing then.

      Oooh, Seeking Mansfield sounds interesting! I might have to add it to my TBR…

      And thank you! ❤ I'm usually a last-minute poster, but I will definitely try prepping on the weekends in the future!

      Happy reading to you too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ugh, it always sucks when that happens. :/ Maybe you’ll end up enjoying it anyway but if you already don’t have the need to pick it up again.. :’)

        Reminds me I have to see whether that author has any other retellings coming up, haha.

        Good luck! 😀


  2. I feel you on hanging in there! Semester is almost over–yikes! Also I have gotten behind on my goodreads challenge and finals is going to be me seeing how many books I can read while not failing my classes… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YOU GOT THIS!!
      And even if you don’t get a lot of reading done during finals, I have a lot of books that you can borrow during winter break! We could even have a reading & writing party if ya want 😉


  3. ahhhhh i’m going to MISS your amazing, hilarious posts but girl, you take that break and continue doing awesome in school!!

    good luck on ruin and rising. i picked up station eleven a couple days ago and im BARELY making any progress but the writing is so beautiful and atmospheric, im halfway in love already. YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE SIX OF CROWS, i cant wait to hear your thoughts on it but its such a fantastic book, im excited for you!

    Liked by 1 person


      Yess, the writing in Station Eleven is so good! My plan is to finish the book during winter break. I hope you enjoy the book and are able to finish it soon!

      And yesss, I'm already 1/3 of the way through Six of Crows and I'm adoring it! I'm really going to have to exercise my self-control this week to make sure I stay on top of my homework and not binge-read the rest of the book…

      Liked by 1 person

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